Who is Stefan Szczesny.

Stefan Szczesny art defies boundaries, whisking you from New York streets to Mediterranean shores. His canvases are windows to a world where colors and emotions dance in harmony, telling stories of human connection.

Beyond traditional frames, Szczesny collaborates with luxury yacht builders and property developers, turning projects into artistry. With each stroke, he transports you to a realm where art isn't just seen—it's experienced.

Szczesny's legacy is a testament to art's timeless ability to transcend reality and ignite your souls.

His artistic vision extends beyond canvases and sculptures, intertwining with the world of architecture in a mesmerizing dance. With an innovative approach, he harmonizes his vibrant artworks with the structural forms of buildings, creating immersive environments that blur the lines between art and architecture. Szczesny's collaboration with architects and developers infuses his distinctive aesthetic into spaces, transforming them into living galleries of color, form, and emotion.

His symbiotic relationship with architecture is a testament to his ability to reshape the very essence of spaces, redefining the boundaries of creativity and design.

Star Maker

Published: 1937
ISBN: 1-85798-807-8
Pages: 339
Genre: Science fiction
Olaf Stapledon

Born: 10 May 1886
Died: 6 September 1950
Cheshire, England, UK
Science fiction, Philosophy
Other Works

Last and First Men
Odd John
Last Men in London
Darkness and the Light

Atelier Stefan Szczesny, Saint-Tropez, FR.